Saturday, January 23, 2010

me in is God


Unknown said...

do robots believe in a god? there seems to be a robot devil as machines do not always do good...

cus said...

What about "Number 5" from Short Circuit? All he wanted was to do good. Or the Arny Terminator in T2. He was a converted saviour. After all he only shot those cops in the legs when he could have clearly went for the head or groin...

Anonymous said...

...or the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz who was sensitive and emotional even though he thought he was a heartless “empty kettle”.

Anonymous said...

"Despite the doubt"?
Are you questioning your faith in God?

cus said...

Hardly. Only my recent lack of inspiration or "heart".

Anonymous said...

it sounds like you've lost your heart but found your soul