Tuesday, September 7, 2010

3 colour study (wob) 2002

I really need to track this back accurately but I want to put the creation of this painting to 2001 or 2002. It, too, was made during my initial exploration of colour and composition. Very, very simple. Playing with how solid colours interrupting a viewing space and creating a base response in the viewer. I really wanted to explore basic colours like orange, blue, or white. I've always liked white. It's connotation of purity and innocence. Something lost and never recovered...

This painting was another weighty piece. Acrylic on MDF- 49inH x 30inW

Sunday, September 5, 2010


composition2 was a study created during the period 2001/ 2002. It was another lesson in preplanning size and material as it is four 48in x 48in paintings on thick MDF board. In other words: LARGE AND HEAVY! That aside I love the piece. It was pue experiment and exploration in colour and composition. The graphic qualities of the piece lends itself to the body of work I have created over the years that speak to commercial aesthetics. This also is another prime example of a piece that has multiple viewing capabilities for the viewer with the versatility of rotating four paintings. Another painting that influenced future studies in this vein of my artistic exploration.

composition2 is also done in acrylic medium. It also sits in my home given its size and need for substantial wall space. I really need to put a show together... (note to self)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

neonewmanism 1 - 2002

This painting is a jewel. A diamond in the rough so to speak. Initially when I was studying at Emily Carr, I had aspirations to animate or illustrate. Painting was not really something I thought to seriously explore. This painting shifted my process significantly. Since I was enrolled in painting, I took the medium and decided to play with it. I loved simplicity and wanted to see what I could do with a large colour field and obstruct it with minor interruptions within the composition. This was the end result. I was quite pleased with it. It led to many other paintings and studies and probably can be attributed to my enjoyment of painting today. It wasn't until after it's creation that I was pointed to Barnett Newman. The American abstract painter of the mid 20th century. I embraced this resemblance to his paintings, hence the title.

Neonewmanism 1 is 49in H x 30in W. It is acrylic on MDF.